

Monday, 14 May 2012

Microsoft Windows 21 Hidden Keyboad ShortCuts

Mastering In Keyboard is very important for navigation. But with the help of these short keys, We made you Keyboard Ninja with these Hidden Short Keys
  1. Windows LogoStart menu will open
  2. Windows Logo+RRun dialog box
  3. Windows Logo+M: Minimize all Windows
  4. SHIFT+Windows Logo+M: Undo minimize all Windows
  5. Windows Logo+F1: Offline Help
  6. Windows Logo+E: Microsoft Windows Explorer
  7. Windows Logo+F: Search & Find files or folders
  8. Windows Logo+D: It will Minimize all winows and Shows the desktop
  9. CTRL+Windows Logo+F: Search files in computer
  10. CTRL+Windows Logo+TAB:Moves one Windows To another windows (Press Tab again and again)
  11. Windows Logo+TAB: Go one windows to another windows in taskbar
  12. Windows Logo+Break: System Properties Dialogue Box will open
  13. Application key: It will display menu of any selected window
  14. Windows Logo+L: It will Log off Windows
  15. Windows Logo+P: It will launch Print Manager
  16. Windows Logo+C: Launch Control Panel
  17. Windows Logo+V: It will start Clipboard
  18. Windows Logo+K: Launch Keyboard properties
  19. Windows Logo+I: Launch Mouse properties
  20. Windows Logo+A:Launch Accessibility Dialogue Box
  21. Windows Logo+SPACEBAR: Shows the list of Intelli type Short Keys

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