

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Hack Facebook with any Software

Real Truth behind face book hacking software …

You looking for this program is called Facebook hack “007V1.0″, also known as the “James Bond Facebook hack or facebook hacker or other names”, with the help pf these software you can penetrate password of Facebook of friends within a few minutes? If the answer is yes, then you come to the right place. Under the program, just enterur friends facebook ID, and then this software will hack your friendz account .. Absolutely incredible.

First, let me ask you something, that all types of that softwares are fake and spywarez. if you think that these software are real facebook hackerz then hack the lady gaga account or Pervez Mussahraf Account …You can not .. .. Believe… Me
Who Creates these types of programs and softwares and Why…?

Let me say clearly that there is no software that can only hack passwords of Facebook. After you install the program, if you find yourself a fake high-risk. These programs are actually spyware that after installing the record your sensitive information such as your credit card information, passwords, server makers.
Is it possible to hack any friends facebook account?

Of course it is. Let’s discuss some of the technique known to penetrate your Facebook password. The following are some common ways a hacker uses to break into a Facebook.

1. Capturing The Keystorke

This method involves capturing data (characters). Pirates easy to install hardware or software keylogger on the computer of the victim. After installing keylogger automatically capture all data entered by the user, including passwords.eyloggers softwares are remotely controllable

Keyloggers are two types:
Keylogger Software
Hardware keylogger

If you have physical access to the victim computer keylogger is the best option for you. If you are a victim in a remote location, for example: To get on my friends account, and then a keylogger program is the best option for you.

2. Phishing

Phishing is the oldest method of Stealing of piracy.By this method you made a fake login page with with web hosted account for stealing password of Facebook.

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